Category: Education

  • Being Vulnerable and Listening to Shame

    Being Vulnerable and Listening to Shame

    Vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty (noun)/ˌvəln(ə)rəˈbilədē/ the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Shame. That thing that creeps in when you least expect it. The unspoken epidemic. Brené Brown, American researcher, professor, lecturer, and researcher of shame and vulnerability discusses the power of vulnerability in her TedEx.…

  • Dueling Consciousness and the “American Dream”

    Dueling Consciousness and the “American Dream”

    Author – K. Price assimilation noun  /əˌsɪməˈleɪʃn/ Assimilation:​[uncountable] assimilation (of somebody) (into something) the process of becoming, or allowing somebody to become, a part of a country or community rather than remaining a separate group his assimilation into the community Dr. Kendi begins chapter two, Dueling Consciousness, with the definition of assimilationist, segregationist and antiracist. …

  • Real Talk With Teachers: How to Be Antiracist

    Real Talk With Teachers: How to Be Antiracist

    Author – Y. Morales Everyone is “trying to make a difference.” It’s what we tell ourselves as educators every day. We really do want our kids to succeed in every way possible: financially, mentally, and academically to name a few. But how do we make that difference? Truly, what is the difference that we’re trying…

  • Race in America: Which Container Is Built For You?

    Race in America: Which Container Is Built For You?

    Author: A. Martinez Containers; Objects Used to Control or Restrain My last name is Martinez, but I’m a “White” girl. I can check off the Hispanic box, yes, and I am Hispanic in ancestry, sure, but it wouldn’t be fair to call me a Latina. Having a last name that screams Hispanic, but growing up…

  • A Community Discusses the Danger of a Single Story

    A Community Discusses the Danger of a Single Story

    Author – A. Davison When the world locked down due to COVID-19 in 2020, another chapter of the story of race in America was being written on the streets as outrage and sorrow over the senseless police killings of Black men and women galvanized a movement. Many of us at Elmont Memorial rose to meet…

  • The New Jim Crow…Book Club Begins

    The New Jim Crow…Book Club Begins

    Author – A. Agnello Five things I observed growing up in Baltimore that shaped my views on race: 1- In my AP classes, which had 15-20 students per class in total, half of the students were of color. 2- When I was talking in a parking lot with friends one evening and the police showed…

  • Educators Working Together For A Better Society

    Educators Working Together For A Better Society

    The Kazi Begins… Outstanding educators are empathetic by nature.  There is no way that someone can effectively motivate and engage a young person (especially an adolescent) without first showing a sincere interest in who they are and what they care about.  No matter race, color, religion, sexuality, gender, or nationality, if students feel they have…